Monterey County Eye Associates

Things You Should Know about Retinal Detachment Causes and Types

Apr 28, 2022 @ 10:19 AM — by Monterey County Eye Associates
Tagged with: Retinal Detachment

The retina is a delicate, photosensitive tissue that lines the back of the eye. It plays a major role in our sight, as it alerts our brains to incoming light. Our brains then use this incoming information to help us make sense of the world around us.

When the retina loosens or detaches, it can cause serious, long-term vision issues, including blindness. At Monterey County Eye Associates, we can save your vision with contemporary treatments for retinal detachment. We have four conveniently located offices in Monterey, CA, Salinas, CA, and King City, CA, to serve your needs.

Here, our ophthalmologists will discuss the three types of retinal detachments, as well as some things you should know about retinal detachment causes. Understanding risk factors and causes can help you get the care you need to save your retina and sight.

Risk Factors

Risk factors are conditions or behaviors that make a disease or illness more likely to occur. When it comes to retinal detachment, there are several risk factors, including:

These risk factors contribute to the approximately one in 10,000 retinal detachment cases seen yearly. Additionally, our trained professionals can use these risk factors to help determine the type and extent of a detached retina. 

The 3 Types of Retinal Detachment

There are three retinal detachment types, including:


The eye is filled with a clear gel known as the vitreous body. As we get older, the consistency of the vitreous body changes. These changes can cause the vitreous fluid to pull away from retinal tissue, resulting in a retinal tear. The vitreous body seeps through the tear, resulting in a rhegmatogenous detachment.

In some cases, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is painless. Instead, many patients report seeing bright flashes or floaters during retinal detachment. Regardless, the areas where the retina detaches will quickly lose blood supply and stop functioning without proper medical intervention.


The retina can generate scar tissue to heal from injuries caused by trauma or health conditions, like diabetes. This scar tissue, however, can put tension on the delicate retinal tissue. With enough tension, tractional force can begin to pull the retina from the back of the eye.


The retina does not need to have holes or tears to detach from the back of the eye. In some cases, non-vitreous fluid can collect underneath the retina, effectively pulling the retina from its original position. Exudative retinal detachment is typically caused by age-related conditions, like:

Talk to Our Ophthalmologists Today

Regardless of which type of retinal detachment you have, it’s important to seek treatment as quickly as possible. Doing so could save your retina and vision. 

If you suspect a retinal detachment, then don’t wait–contact our Monterey ophthalmologists online right now. You can also call us to talk to our team directly at (831) 424-1150.