Monterey County Eye Associates

10 Tips for Summer Eye Protection

May 18, 2020 @ 11:10 AM — by Monterey County Eye Associates
Tagged with: Eye Care

Summer is upon us! As you gear up for beach days and barbeques, proper precautions are necessary to protect your eyes from the elements. Increased UV exposure, as well as chlorinated pools and sandy beaches, can have a negative impact on your vision and overall eye health.

Our optical centers offer complete vision care for patients in Monterey, CA, Salinas, CA, and surrounding areas. Here, our team offers up ten tips for summer eye protection.

#1: Choose Eyewear with UV Protection

It is no secret that the sun’s rays are harmful, but they are even stronger during the summer months. When you shop for sunglasses, make sure they are labeled either 100 percent UV protection or UV400. This ensures that your eyewear will block the full spectrum of UVA and UVB rays.

#2: Do Your Research

When it comes to eyewear, there are some pretty convincing knockoff brands. Even though these sunglasses look the same as their designer counterparts, they do not offer the same UV protection. Be sure to do your research before investing in a new pair of sunglasses.

#3: Consider Wraparound Lenses

Wraparound lenses provide protection for your peripheral vision. If you plan to be outdoors a lot this year, this purchase can come in handy. If your activities will involve sporting events, you may want to consider shatterproof lenses as an added precaution.

#4: Wear a Wide-brimmed Hat

Hats provide an extra layer of protection from the sun. We recommend wearing a hat even on cloudy days, as UV rays are still present. This habit will also help protect your scalp and face from sunburn and damage.

#5: Never Swim with Contact Lenses

Contact lenses can irritate your eyes, even if you have seemingly healthy vision. Because contact lens wearers are more prone to irritation, they are also more vulnerable to infection. Skip the contacts when you hit the pool and reduce the risk of bacterial infections.

#6: Always Wear Swim Masks or Goggles

If you plan on visiting a public pool, lake, or other body of water, wear goggles. Contaminants and chemicals commonly found in these communal areas can cause bacterial infections. Goggles protect your eyes and keep you healthy.

#7: Avoid Tanning Beds

Those who frequent indoor tanning booths are exposed to even greater UV levels than the sun. This not only makes individuals more susceptible to eye damage, but it also increases the risk for skin cancer. If possible, avoid tanning beds altogether. But if you must go, be sure to wear protective UV-blocking goggles, as sunglasses are not sufficient.

#8: Wash Your Hands Often

This tip is not exclusive to the summer months, but individuals are more active outside during this time of year. This means that infections can spread more easily, including conjunctivitis. Therefore, it is especially important to wash your hands frequently.

#9: Wear Eye Protection When Playing Sports

No matter what sport you play, proper protective eyewear is essential. This may mean investing in a helmet, faceguard, or a pair of goggles.

#10: Wear Eye Protection for Household Chores

Summer chores often involve working outdoors. Whether you are gardening and cutting grass or practicing your carpentry skills, the proper protective gear is imperative.

Contact Our Practice to Learn More

Being proactive about your eye health can save you time, worry, and money in the future. To learn more about protective eyewear, or any of our services, contact us online or call us at (831) 375-2020.