Monterey County Eye Associates

Conditions that Affect Peripheral Vision

Oct 17, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Monterey County Eye Associates
Tagged with: Eye Care Eye Exams

Losing peripheral vision can make it feel like you're seeing life through a tunnel. The loss of peripheral vision is often a symptom of a medical condition and should not be ignored. At Monterey County Eye Associates, we offer a wide range of eye care services to address the underlying causes of peripheral vision loss and protect eyesight. When treating peripheral vision loss, it's necessary to consider what may be the source of vision problems.

Here, we focus on some of the most common conditions that affect peripheral vision. If you live in or around Monterey, CA and would like more information about what may be causing your peripheral vision problems, please schedule a consultation with one of our experienced eye doctors.

What Are the Signs of Poor Peripheral Vision?

Peripheral vision is the field of vision surrounding the central field of view. When peripheral vision is poor, things surrounding the central vision may be blurry or dark, making it seems as though you're looking through a tube. In fact, some people describe this symptom as “tunnel vision.” Some other signs of poor peripheral vision include:

What Conditions Affect Peripheral Vision?

There are several conditions that can affect peripheral vision. Some of these conditions include:

Schedule a Consultation with the Monterey County Eye Associates

Don't let vision problems impact your quality of life. If you have noticed changes in your vision, or have been having difficulty seeing clearly, it is important to undergo a comprehensive eye exam. To schedule your next exam or to discuss your eye care needs, we welcome you to contact our team at the Monterey County Eye Associates.