Monterey County Eye Associates

Glaucoma Testing and Early Diagnosis - The Keys to Successful Treatment

Jun 21, 2016 @ 06:19 AM — by Monterey County Eye Associates
Tagged with: Glaucoma Eye Care

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness around the world. Glaucoma is caused by excessive pressure behind the ocular nerves, resulting in damage that compromises a person’s vision. The problem with glaucoma is that it does not usually cause noticeable side effects until the condition has progressed to the point that damage is irreversible. However, in the United States, where patients have access to high quality eye care, glaucoma is often diagnosed early. At Monterey County Eye Associates, our team of eye doctors, Dr. Eric Del Piero and Dr. Leland Rosenblum, offer comprehensive glaucoma testing and diagnosis to give our Monterey, CA patients the best chance of controlling glaucoma so that it doesn’t lead to permanent vision loss.

When to Get Tested for Glaucoma

Any time that a person experiences changes in vision, such as loss of peripheral vision, blurry vision, or the appearance of glares or halos, they should schedule a comprehensive eye exam to find out what is causing the vision loss. However, by the time these symptoms develop, the eye may already be damaged beyond repair. Rather than wait for symptoms to develop, the best way to test for glaucoma is through a regular schedule of routine eye exams. Below are some guidelines regarding how often patients should schedule these exams, based on age and eye health:

Glaucoma Testing

There are several tests that allow our doctors to examine the eyes for signs of glaucoma. These tests examine different aspects of the eye, including inner eye pressure, the shape and color of the optic nerves, the thickness of the cornea, the angle where the iris meets the cornea, and the field of vision. Below are brief descriptions of how these characteristics are tested:

All of these tests allow our doctors to diagnose glaucoma in its earliest stages so that it can be treated, controlled, and monitored so that patients can prevent permanent vision loss.

Schedule an Appointment

Routine eye exams allow our doctors to monitor a patient’s eye health so that any areas of concern can be addressed as soon as possible. To ensure that your eyes are healthy and functional, schedule an appointment with one of our experienced eye doctors at your earliest convenience.