Monterey County Eye Associates

Common Causes of Eye Injuries

Nov 17, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Monterey County Eye Associates
Tagged with: Eye Exams Eye Care

At Monterey County Eye Associates, we strive to offer a comprehensive range of eye care treatments designed to address the unique vision needs of patients of all ages, from the pediatric to the elderly. In addition to providing treatments for eye diseases and disorders, we offer treatments for eye injuries, ranging from the minor to the severe. At our eye care clinic in Monterey, eye injury treatments of the highest standard are available to restore your precious eyes to their optimal health.

Remember that, when it comes to your vision, there is no such thing as being too careful. An injury to your eyes should never be dismissed as being “nothing to worry about,” especially if you experience a change in your vision or visible damage to one or both of your eyes. It is better to err on the side of caution and have your eyes examined than to risk permanent damage to your vision.

In the following blog post, we will discuss some of the more common causes of eye injuries. If you or someone you love has experienced any of these or any other causes of eye injuries, we encourage you to seek treatment right away.

Typical Eye Injury Causes

Some of the more common causes of eye injuries include:

Don’t Take Chances - Seek Medical Attention

If you experience any of the above eye injuries, don’t hesitate to contact our practice and schedule an appointment right away. This is particularly true if your injury is accompanied by:

If your eye has suffered obvious damage - for example, if it has become dislodged from its socket - do not hesitate for even one moment to seek medical attention.

Contact Monterey County Eye Associates Today

To learn more about the causes of eye injuries, please contact Monterey County Eye Associates today.