Monterey County Eye Associates

Cataract Surgery Techniques

May 31, 2012 @ 10:38 AM — by Monterey County Eye Associates
Tagged with: Cataract Surgery Cataracts Lens Implants Intraocular Lens

We are well-equipped to address many different vision problems at our practice, from simple refractive errors to more advanced vision conditions. One vision problem in particular that we help treat on a regular basis is cataracts. In fact, many older individuals who come to our practice get treated for cataracts in order to restore their overall vision. The team here at our Monterey eye care center would like to take a moment to discuss this topic so you have a better understanding of what to expect.

About Cataracts

Cataracts refers to a clouding of the natural lens of the eye. Monterey cataracts form as a result of the clumping together of the proteins inside of the lens. This can be caused by injury, ultraviolet radiation, poor diet, smoking, certain medical conditions, and other factors. While older individuals are more likely to develop cataracts, they can form in patients of various ages.

Cataract Symptoms

May people will notice cataracts by the clouding of the lens of the eye. Other symptoms include blurry vision, clouded vision, and diminished vision. Be sure to speak with a member of our team or a physician if you notice any degradation of your current vision.

Techniques for Performing Cataract Surgery

There are different ways that cataract surgery can be performed at our eye care centers in Salinas and Monterey. The method we will use will really depend on the needs and the condition of the patient. In general, there are two way of performing surgery: extracapsular or intracapsular.

Extracapsular Cataract Surgery

Extracapsular cataract surgery will involve the removal of the lens of the eye but the capsule of the lens is left in place. (The lens capsule is a thin, transparent, elastic membrane that surrounds the lens of the eye.) This is the more commonly performed type of cataract surgery.

Intracapsular Cataract Surgery

Intracapsular cataract removal surgery will involve the removal of the lens as well as the lens capsule. This type of cataract surgery is not performed as frequently as extracapsular surgery since there is an increased risk of retinal detachment and other complications as patients heal.

Types of Replacement Lenses Used During Cataract Surgery

After the clouded lens has been removed during cataract surgery in Salinas and Monterey, it's extremely important to replace the lens with an artificial lens. This artificial lens will restore a patient's vision.

In some cases, a monofocal lens implant will be used. This kind of artificial lens is designed to focus on distant objects or nearby objects, which means patients will need corrective lenses to see at various distances. Multifocal lens implants are another option. These types of lens implants are able to shift focus from nearby objects to distant object. The best option for you can be discussed during your consultation.

Contact Us to Learn More About Vision Correction

If you would like more information about your various options for vision correction and eye care, be sure to speak with our ophthalmologists in Salinas and Monterey today. The entire team looks forward to your visit and to discussing matters with you in greater detail.